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. 2014 Jun 24;1:140013. doi: 10.1038/sdata.2014.13

Table 1. Guide to Supplementary File 1.

Column Column Header Explanation
1 Sample_ID Sample identifier coding organ, sex, age, and replicate #
2 Libray_Processing_Order The order in which an RNA sample or library was processed
3 RNA_Sample_ID Sample identifier specifying the original serial sample ID
4 Flowcell The flowcell number on which the sample was sequenced
5 Lane The lane number on which the sample was sequenced
6 ERCC_Mix Either ERCC Mix1 or Mix2 was added to the RNA sample
7 BarCode The multiplexing barcode for the RNA sample
8 RNA_A260.A280_Ratio A260/A280 ratio indicating RNA purity
9 RNA_RIN RNA Integrity Number
10 Library_Con_ng.ul Library concentration in ng μl−1
11 Organ Full name of the organ from which the RNA was isoloated
12 Organ_Abbr_2chars Two-character abbreviation for an organ
13 Organ_Abbr_3chars Three-character abbreviation for an organ
14 Age_Week Age (weeks) of the rat
15 Sex Sex of the rat
16 Replicate Replicate #
17 Sample_Name_Alt Alternate name with two-character code for organ name
18 Genome_Ratio The ratio of reads mapped to genome
19 Aceview_Ratio The ratio of reads mapped to the AceView database
20 ERCC_Ratio The ratio of reads mapped to the ERCCs
21 rRNA_Ratio The ratio of reads mapped to rRNA
22 Total_Reads The number of total reads collected on an RNA sample