(A) Negatively stained EM of arc- and ring-shaped assemblies
of wild-type suilysin on an egg PC:cholesterol (45:55%) lipid monolayer,
and (inset) on a liposome of egg PC:cholesterol (45:55%).
(B) AFM topography of wild-type suilysin on a supported egg
PC:cholesterol (67:33%) lipid bilayer. The wild-type suilysin extends
7–8 nm above the lipid bilayer background, as indicated by the
height histogram for 402 individual particles (inset). (C)
The AFM topography of a complete suilysin ring reveals a circular hole
(dark) in its lumen, whereas the lipid bilayer surrounding the ring
remains intact (green). (D) The topography of a suilysin arc
shows a hole (dark) in the membrane only partially enclosed by the
suilysin assembly. Images in C and D are shown
in a 15° tilted representation, and height profiles measured across
the ring/arc confirm membrane perforation. (E) Examples of
wild-type suilysin arcs of different lengths. Transmembrane holes are
consistently observed. (F) Examples of interlocked-arc
assemblies. As shown in the right image, the membrane area removed by the
two arcs is larger than the hole in the complete ring (C).
(G) Sequence of AFM images of the same interlocked-arc
assembly, stable for at least 50 min. Scale bars
A–B: 50 nm,
C–G: 15 nm, full z
colour scale B–G: 12 nm.