Figure 1. Effect increased arcuate nucleus glucokinase activity on food intake.
(A) Arcuate nucleus glucokinase activity in ad libitum chow–fed and 24-hour–fasted male Wistar rats (n = 8). (B) Normal chow intake 1 hour after intra-arcuate injection of 0.5 nmol CpdA or vehicle (control) in male Wistar rats (n = 10). (C) Glucokinase activity in HEK293 cell lysates after transfection with either rAAV-GFP or rAAV-GK (n = 6). (D) Glucokinase activity in arcuate nucleus (ARC), VMN, and PVN of male Wistar rats following intra-arcuate injection of either rAAV-GFP (iARC-GFP, white bars) or rAAV-GK (iARC-GK, black bars) (n = 8–11). (E) Cumulative food intake and (F) weight changes in iARC-GFP (black squares) and iARC-GK (white squares) rats after recovery from surgery (n = 12 iARC-GFP; n = 15 iARC-GK). Data are presented as mean ± SEM. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001 versus corresponding control values; #P < 0.0001 versus all other groups.