Rest–stress regadenoson 82Rb PET/CT protocol. After scout CT acquisition (120 kVp, 10 mA), CT transmission scan (CTAC) (140 kVp, 10 mA, pitch of 1.35) was acquired. Patients received 1,480–2,220 MBq of 82Rb intravenously at rest, and emission images were acquired in 2-dimensional list mode. After rest imaging, patients remained in scanner gantry for stress imaging. Stress was induced with 0.4 mg of regadenoson given intravenously over 10 s followed by 10-mL flush with normal saline. Immediately after saline flush, second dose of 1,480–2,220 MBq of 82Rb was administered intravenously approximately 30 s after regadenoson injection and emission images were acquired as previously described. Ordered-subsets expectation maximization (30 iterations and 2 subsets) and 3-dimensional PET filtering (Butterworth filter, cutoff frequency of 10, order of 5) were used for reconstruction of images.