Figure 6.
Mechanistic networks for the 2 top significant upstream regulators identified as activated in SRL converted patients. The two panel picture represents predicted activity of downstream cascades regulated by (A) Left panel: Interferon gamma (IFNγ) and (B) Left panel: Interleukin-6 (IL6). Mechanistic networks enable to discover plausible sets of connected upstream regulators that can work together to elicit the gene expression changes observed in our dataset to discover plausible sets of connected upstream regulators that can work together to elicit the gene expression changes observed in a dataset. (A and B) right panels: Network generated by IPA from the 2 top predicted upstream regulators and target genes present of differentially expressed genes when comparing SRL to TAC samples. Upstream Regulator Analysis is based on expected causal effects between Upstream regulators and targets; the expected causal effects are derived from the literature compiled in the Ingenuity® Knowledge Base. The analysis examined the known targets of each upstream regulator in our dataset, compares the targets’ actual direction of change to expectations derived from the literature, then issues a prediction for each upstream regulator.