Figure 2. Antiproliferative activity in A2780 human ovarian cancer cells.
(a) IC50 values for complexes 1–8. (b) Cellular accumulation of Ru from p-cym complexes 1–3 and their o-terp analogues 5–7 after 24 h. (c) Percent cell survival when equipotent concentrations of complexes 1–3 and 5–8 (1/3 × IC50) were co-administered with different concentrations of sodium formate. (d) IC50 values for complex 2 when co-administered with various concentrations of sodium formate and the cellular accumulation of Ru under similar conditions. (e) and (f) Comparison of cell survival (%) for complexes 2 and 8 when co-administered with various concentrations of sodium acetate or sodium formate. All experiments included 24 h of drug exposure. All the experiments were performed as duplicates of triplicates in independent experiments and the error bars were calculated as the s.d. from the mean.