A) Schematic representation of the unwinding reaction
measured in this assay. Unwinding was probed by using a 12-bp dsRNA
substrate labeled with a fluorophore (6-carboxyfluorescein; FAM) and
quencher (Iowa Black FQ; IBFQ) probes at the 5′ and 3′
ends, respectively (IDT). An increase in fluorescence of this substrate
occurs upon unwinding and re-annealing to an unlabeled strand from a
duplex of the same sequence that is present in excess. (
Representative unwinding time course for labeled dsRNA (125 nM) by the
helicase core of Mss116 (2 μM) measured at 5 mM
2+. After the addition of stop buffer to remove
any bound protein, duplex samples were resolved in a non-denaturing 20%
polyacrylamide gel run at 4°C in 1× Tris/Borate/EDTA buffer (pH
8.3). (
C) Representative unwinding time course for labeled
dsRNA (125 nM) by the helicase core of Mss116 (2 μM) measured at 5
2+ with samples resolved as in (
The last lane represents the same duplex unwound by ATP after 60 min.
D) Kinetic unwinding profiles of dsRNA by Mss116 for
NTP, N = A, C, G, or U. Error bars represent the standard error for
at least three independent measurements, and the error in k1 represents
the standard error of the non-linear regression. NU, no appreciable
unwinding. Unwinding data for ATP were normalized using the parameters
obtained from the fit to a first-order reaction with a single
exponential. In the case of other nucleoside triphosphates where no
unwinding was observed, data were normalized against the signal for a
duplex fully unwound by ATP at the same concentration (see panel
C, final lane). Assays were performed in a buffer
containing 5 mM free Mg
2+. Additional assays were
performed at 0.5 mM Mg
2+, as previous data indicate that
the unwinding activity of Mss116 increases at lower Mg
concentrations (
Halls et al.,
2007). These gave similar results.