A) Comparison between calculated and experimental RDCs (black
circles for the steric medium and red circles for the electrostatic medium);
the Q factors at 0.10 in both cases. (
B) Comparison between
experimental (black) and calculated (red)
3J HN-Hα scalar
couplings; the RMSD value is 0.49 Hz. (
Comparison between experimental and calculated chemical shifts, which we
obtained by using the Sparta + method (
Shen and Bax, 2010): Cα (
Cβ (
D), N (
E), Hα (
and HN (
G); the RMSD values (in ppm) are 0.90, 0.82, 1.90,
0.16, and 0.24 for Cα, Cβ, N, Hα, and HN, respectively.
H) Distributions of the satisfied (about 93%, in green) and
violated (about 7%, in orange) NOEs in the individual structures of the