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. 2015 Mar 19;2015:168682. doi: 10.1155/2015/168682

Table 1.

Variables measured and available in the dataset.

Name Description Values Significance
Type Type of sample 1/2/3 NMIBC/MIBC/control
Age Diagnosis age Numeric Years
N History Identification number Numeric
Gender Gender 1/2 Male/female
Fdiagn Diagnostic data Date DD/MM/YYYY
Tobacco Tobacco smoking 0/1 No/yes
Alcohol Alcohol consumption 0/1 No/yes
Af Family history of BC 0/1 No/yes
Mfum More than 20 cigarettes a day 0/1 No/yes
Otrosf Other risk factors of BC Text Not analyzable
Hematuri Haematuria 0/1 No/yes
Irritat Irritative syndrome 0/1 No/yes
Dolorsup Suprapubic pain 0/1 No/yes
Otros Other symptoms 0/1 No/yes
Diagn Diagnostic type 1/2 Symptomatic/incidental
Tumor Number of tumors Numeric Numeric
Creat Creatinine Numeric mg/dL
Got GOT Numeric U/L
Gpt GPT Numeric U/L
Hem Number of red blood cells Numeric E6/uL
Hb Haemoglobin Numeric g/dL
Hcto Hematocrit Numeric %
Ca Calcium Numeric mg/dL
P Phosphorum Numeric mg/dL
Falc Alcaline phosphatase Numeric U/L
Citesp, Citarr; eco, UIV; CT, cistosc Diagnosis test performed Text Not analyzable
Multiple Multiplicity 1/2 Single/multiple
Tam Size (cm) numeric cm
TAM3CM Size ≥3 cm 1/2 No/yes
Aspect Endoscopic aspect 1/2/3 1 Superficial/2 infiltrative/3 intermediate
ASPESUP Superficial aspect 1/2 Yes/no
Tto Type of adjuvant therapy Text Not analyzable
ADYUV Adjuvant therapy 1/2 Yes/no
Jewett Histologic staging 1/2/3 A/B/C-D
G Grade 1/2/3 G1/G2/G3
G23 Grades 2 or 3 1/2 No/yes
Tnm TNM 1/2 Ta/T1
Gries EORTC risk group 1/2 Low-intermediate/high
Grx Millan risk group 1/2 Low-intermediate/high
AP, tipoAP Type of BC 1/2/9 Not analyzable TCC/SC/other
p53iha P53 immunohistochemistry 1/2/3 +/++/+++
p53ria P53 quantified Numeric ng/ml
Neu Prot p185 quantified Numeric HNU (0.05 fmol/mg)/ml
p16 Prot p16 immunohistochemistry 1/2/3 +/++/+++
Recid Relapse 1/2 Yes/no
Fechare First relapse data Date DD/MM/YYYY
narecid Number of relapses Numeric Number
narecidp Number of relapses till progression Numeric Number
Prog Progression 1/2 Yes/no
Fprog Progression date Date DD/MM/YYYY
Metas Metastatic disease 1/2 Yes/no
Muerte Death 1/2 Yes/no
Fechmuerte Date of death Date DD/MM/YYYY
Mporca Cancer specific mortality 1/2 Yes/no
Recm Number of relapses till death Numeric Number
fechaultre Last Revision Date Date DD/MM/YYYY
Egfr EGFR quantified Numeric EGFR fmol/protein mg
Logneu Neu logarithm Numeric Number of months
Super Survival (months) Numeric Number of months
Ile Relapse-free survival Months Number of months
Tprogre Progression-free survival Months Number of months
Tmetas Metastatic disease-free survival Months Number of months
Np53ria p53 RIATertile 1/2/3 Tertile 1/tertile 2/tertile 3
Nneu NeuTertile 1/2/3 Tertile 1/tertile 2/tertile 3
Negfr EGFRTertile 1/2/3 Tertile 1/tertile 2/tertile 3
Filtro NMIBC
edad70 Older than 70 years 1/2 Yes/no