Boxes containing large arrows and circles show the enriched KEGG and REACTOME
pathways in each treatment. The direction of the arrows and colour indicates
whether the pathway is up- (red) or down- (blue) regulated compared to
asynchronous cells. The green lines and their thicknesses indicate the overlap
between pathways. Proteins in individual pathways are shown as rounded squares
and are connected by grey lines where protein–protein interactions have
been reported. The colouring indicates the direction of the fold change and the
shading represents the magnitude. (C) Immunofluorescence flow
cytometry of asynchronous cells stained with αCDT1 antibody (AF-488
secondary conjugate, y-axis) and a DNA-binding dye (DAPI, x-axis). CDT1 protein
expression is high in G1 cells, low in S-phase cells, and intermediate in
G2&M cells. Comparison of CDT1 expression (D) and the
relative ratio of CDT1:Geminin expression (E) measured by
immunofluorescence flow cytometry in mock (red line) vs RO-3306 treated (blue
line) G2&M cells gated by DNA content.