Appendix Table A.1. Coding of the causes of death by year of death according to International Cause of Death (ICD)-9 and ICD-10.
Cause of death | ICD-9 for 1989, 1990 | ICD-10 for 1999, 2000, 2009, 2010 |
HIV/AIDS | 042–044 | B20–B24 |
Other infectious diseases | 001–139, 771.3 excluding 034.0, 135, 042–044 | A00–B99 excluding B20–B24 |
Lung cancer | 162 | C33, C34 |
Breast, colon, prostate, rectal, and anal cancer | 174, 175, 185, 153–154 | C50, C61, C18–C21 |
All other cancers | 140–239 excluding 162, 174, 175, 185, 153–154 | C00–D48, excluding C33, C34, C50, C61, C18–C21 |
Mental disorders | 290–319 | F01–F99 |
Nervous system and sense organ, incl. Alzheimer's | 320–389 | G00–G98, H00–H57, H60–H93 |
Circulatory diseases | 390–459 | I00–I99 |
Respiratory diseases | 460–519, 034.0 | J00–J98 |
Diseases of the digestive system | 520–579 | K00–K92 |
Diseases of the genitourinary system | 580–629 | N00–N98 |
Perinatal conditions | 760–779, excluding 771.3 | P00–P96 |
Homicide | E960–E969 | X85–Y09, Y87.1 |
Other external causes | E800–E999, excluding E960–E969 | V01–Y89, excluding X85–Y09, Y87.1 |
Symptoms, signs, and ill-defined conditions | 780–799 | R00–R99 |
All other causes | 135, 240–279, 280–289, 630–676, 680–709, 710–739, 740–759 | E00–E88, D50–D89, O00–O99, L00–L98, M00–M99, Q00–Q99, U00–U99 |
| ||
Drug- and alcohol-related causesa ICD-10 for 1999, 2000, 2009, 2010 | D52.1, D59.0, D59.2, D61.1, D64.2, E06.4, E16.0, E23.1, E24.2, E24.4, E27.3, E66.1, F10, F11.0–F11.5, F11.7–F11.9, F12.0–F12.5, F12.7–F12.9, F13.0–F13.5, F13.7–F13.9, F14.0–F14.5, F14.7–F14.9, F15.0–F15.5, F15.7–F15.9, F16.0–F16.5, F16.7–F16.9, F17.0, F17.3–F17.5, F17.7–F17.9, F18.0–F18.5,F18.7–F18.9, F19.0–F19.5, F19.7–F19.9, G21.1, G24.0, G25.1, G25.4, G25.6, G31.2, G44.4, G62.0, G62.1, G72.0, G72.1, I42.6, I95.2, J70.2–J70.4, K29.2, K70, K85.2, K85.3, K86.0, L10.5, L27.0–L27.1, M10.2, M32.0, M80.4, M81.4, M83.5, M87.1, R50.2, R78.0, R78.1–R78.5, X40–X44, X45, X60–X64, X65, X85, Y10–Y14, Y15 |
Coding of drug- and alcohol-related causes based on Miniño et al. (2011).