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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2015 Apr 2.
Published in final edited form as: Popul Dev Rev. 2014 Mar 19;40(1):1–29. doi: 10.1111/j.1728-4457.2014.00648.x

Appendix Table A.1. Coding of the causes of death by year of death according to International Cause of Death (ICD)-9 and ICD-10.

Cause of death ICD-9 for 1989, 1990 ICD-10 for 1999, 2000, 2009, 2010
HIV/AIDS 042–044 B20–B24
Other infectious diseases 001–139, 771.3 excluding 034.0, 135, 042–044 A00–B99 excluding B20–B24
Lung cancer 162 C33, C34
Breast, colon, prostate, rectal, and anal cancer 174, 175, 185, 153–154 C50, C61, C18–C21
All other cancers 140–239 excluding 162, 174, 175, 185, 153–154 C00–D48, excluding C33, C34, C50, C61, C18–C21
Mental disorders 290–319 F01–F99
Nervous system and sense organ, incl. Alzheimer's 320–389 G00–G98, H00–H57, H60–H93
Circulatory diseases 390–459 I00–I99
Respiratory diseases 460–519, 034.0 J00–J98
Diseases of the digestive system 520–579 K00–K92
Diseases of the genitourinary system 580–629 N00–N98
Perinatal conditions 760–779, excluding 771.3 P00–P96
Homicide E960–E969 X85–Y09, Y87.1
Other external causes E800–E999, excluding E960–E969 V01–Y89, excluding X85–Y09, Y87.1
Symptoms, signs, and ill-defined conditions 780–799 R00–R99
All other causes 135, 240–279, 280–289, 630–676, 680–709, 710–739, 740–759 E00–E88, D50–D89, O00–O99, L00–L98, M00–M99, Q00–Q99, U00–U99

Drug- and alcohol-related causesa ICD-10 for 1999, 2000, 2009, 2010 D52.1, D59.0, D59.2, D61.1, D64.2, E06.4, E16.0, E23.1, E24.2, E24.4, E27.3, E66.1, F10, F11.0–F11.5, F11.7–F11.9, F12.0–F12.5, F12.7–F12.9, F13.0–F13.5, F13.7–F13.9, F14.0–F14.5, F14.7–F14.9, F15.0–F15.5, F15.7–F15.9, F16.0–F16.5, F16.7–F16.9, F17.0, F17.3–F17.5, F17.7–F17.9, F18.0–F18.5,F18.7–F18.9, F19.0–F19.5, F19.7–F19.9, G21.1, G24.0, G25.1, G25.4, G25.6, G31.2, G44.4, G62.0, G62.1, G72.0, G72.1, I42.6, I95.2, J70.2–J70.4, K29.2, K70, K85.2, K85.3, K86.0, L10.5, L27.0–L27.1, M10.2, M32.0, M80.4, M81.4, M83.5, M87.1, R50.2, R78.0, R78.1–R78.5, X40–X44, X45, X60–X64, X65, X85, Y10–Y14, Y15

Coding of drug- and alcohol-related causes based on Miniño et al. (2011).