Fig. 8.
Visual priming produced by default and transformed object views in Tafazoli et al. [119]. (A) Psychometric curves (i.e., fraction of times a morphed object was classified as being more similar to the rightmost prototype, corresponding to the 100% morph level) obtained for an example rat, when no primes were used (black) and when the default views of the 0% (orange) and 100% (green) morph prototypes (shown in the orange/green framed insets) were used as primes. The morph objects are shown below the abscissa (also reporting the morphing level). To quantify the priming magnitude (i.e., to obtain the orange and green bars shown in the inset), the average difference between the psychometric curves obtained in regular and prime trials was computed (orange and green shaded areas). (B) Psychometric curves for the same rat shown in (A), obtained for control trials (black) and prime trials (orange/green), in which 40° elevation-rotated views of the prototypes were used as primes (shown in the insets). (C) Group average priming magnitude (computed as shown in A) produced by all tested priming conditions, i.e., when either the default views (first bar) or the transformed views (all remaining bars) of the object prototypes were used as primes (the tested prototype views are shown below the abscissa; colors refer to transformations of the same kind, but with different magnitude). Asterisks indicate significant priming. (D) Relationship between rat recognition performance and priming magnitude in early (red diamonds) and late (blue squares) trials (data refer to all the 16 tested views of the object prototypes, as shown in C). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Modified from Tafazoli et al. [119].