Extracts from Meier et al. [122] study of collinear processing in rats. (A) Example of arrangement of a central target and two flanking gratings. ϑT and ϑF refer, respectively, to the orientation of the target and flanker gratings, while ω indicates the angular position of the flankers (relative to the vertical). (B) The four different kinds of target–flankers configurations tested by Meier et al. (2011). The red frames indicate the collinear conditions, the cyan frames indicate the pop out conditions, while the black frames indicate the parallel conditions (see Section 5.3 for details). (C) The performance on the four flanker conditions for an example rat (the color of the bars matches the color of the frames in B). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Modified from Meier et al. [122].