Fig 1. HFD causes intestinal permeability and eosinophil depletion.
Intestinal permeability was determined after 7 days HFD by FITC dextran assay (A) or at day 0, 1, 2, 3 HFD by fecal albumin (B). Each data point represents an individual mouse from one (FITC dextran) or two experiments (fecal albumin). (C) Plasma FITC dextran concentration was measured at time 0, 1, 2 and 5 hours after oral administration to indicate the peak of permeability. Each data point is the mean (+/-SD) of 4–8 mice. (D) Gating strategy to identify eosinophils and macrophages. Lamina propria cells were pre-gated as live, CD45+. CD11b+ cells were compared for expression of Siglec F and MHC-II revealing two distinct populations. Siglec F+ MHC-II- eosinophils (red) show high SSC, intermediate F4/80 and CD11c expression whilst Siglec F- MHC-II+ macrophages (blue) show low SSC, high F4/80 and CD11c expression. (E) Proportions and total number of eosinophils and macrophages in normal chow and 7 days HFD mice. Each data point represents an individual mouse from two experiments. (F) The total number of Siglec F+ (red) eosinophils and CD11b+ (red) MHC-II (green) macrophages per villus shown by immunofluorescence microscopy. Each graph represents multiple villi from >30 sections from 3 mice per group. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001 (Mann-Whitney U test).