Mcl-1-dependent or Bcl-2-dependent leukemia cell lines, RS4;11 cells, or primary
ALL cultures, as indicated, were subjected to whole cell BH3 profiling with JC-1
dye, as described in Materials and Methods. The traces shown in the top of each
panel represent an average of triplicates, and are color coded according to the
key on the right of each set. The bar graphs in the lower portion of each panel
represent mean ± s.d. (n = 3), normalized to that of FCCP (100% loss of
mitochondrial membrane potential) and are derived from readings obtained at 120
min. Note that Noxa and Hrk peptides sometimes gave fluorescence readings (top
panels) that were slightly greater than DMSO control, and these appear as small
negative values in the bar graph representation in the lower panels.