Recruitment and retention |
Recruitment |
Able to recruit 20 subjects of 172 approached
6 months
Loss of 5 subjects during 12-week follow-up
Completers had significantly higher levels of total and moderate physical activity and walking
Recruitment methods
Implementation |
Fidelity |
Initial counseling session |
Weekly phone calls delivered |
Phone call assessment of adverse events as part of data safety monitoring plan |
% of participants who have adverse events assessed
% of participants who report an adverse event (include type of event)
% of participants hospitalized
Patients were assessed weekly for adverse events (except for missing phone contact: 7%)
No adverse events related to intervention occurred during study period.
4 subjects required hospitalization during study: one for HF symptoms; one for a stroke; one for electrolyte imbalance; one for elective catheterization and post-catheterization arrhythmia.
Phone call assessment of concerns or barriers related to exercise |
Dose |
Counseling Session |
Successful phone contact Phone call duration |
Phone call content |
Adherence to daily diary
Step count
Corresponding Borg scale
Daily weight
Use of hand weights
Step count recorded: 801/1260 = 64% of days
Borg scale: 628/1260 = 50% of days
Daily weight: 651/1260 = 52% of days
Hand weight use: 400/1260 = 32% of days
Context |
Ability to conduct intervention at site during clinic hours |
Use of CTSI research unit was essential in collecting data since private area was need for data collection and long hallway was required for functional capacity data
Providers varied in their referral of potential subjects
The majority of subject data was collected on the day of visit. Some subjects chose to return to clinic for data collection
Reach |
Reach Participation rate |
Ability to recruit in target population
% of patients who agreed to participate
Collection of data regarding why subjects were excluded + age and gender collected
20 low-income ethnic minority adults with HF recruited
Demonstrated ability to recruit in HF clinic
n = 172 approached; n = 152 excluded per criteria or declined to participate
Data collected on all patients approached but excluded; age and gender collected