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. 2015 Mar 30;68(2):106–115. doi: 10.4097/kjae.2015.68.2.106

Table 1. Checklist for Statistical and Methodological Considerations.

 1. Are the objectives of the research adequate, ethical, realistic, and detailed enough for the readers and reviewers to comprehend?
 2. Is the research hypothesis stated clearly?
Design of the Study
 1-1. Are there adequate explanations of the research design parallel, crossover, and factorial design?
 1-2. Is the research design suitable for achieving the objectives? Is a concurrent control group used?
 2-1. Are the eligibility criteria, inclusion-exclusion criteria, and accessible population specified clearly?
 2-2. Does the author state the location, time, and environment of the data collection?
 3. Is the sampling method specified?
 4. Does the sample adequately represent the study population? (Is there external validity or consideration of external validity?)
 5. Are there grounds for statistical power or sample size calculation?
 6-1. Is the randomization explained?
 6-2. Is the sequence generation method explained? (E.g., whether the application of block or who conducted the sequence generation.)
 7. Is the allocation concealment method explained?
 8-1. Does the research employ blindness and give explanations?
 8-2. Is the blindness acceptable?
 9-1. Is an accurate list of variables provided? Are the variables of interest clearly defined?
 9-2. Are there explanations of the variables that are rarely used?
Commencement of Trial
 1-1. Does the paper describe the interventions applied to the compared groups and details them, including the time and method, to the extent that other researchers can reproduce them?
 1-2. Is the method used to measure the results clearly explained?
 2. Are the differences between the research proposal and the actual result mentioned?
 3. Does the paper report the side effects, reactions and harm variables?
 4. Is information about the patients who dropped out from the treatment group and the control group included? Is the follow-up rate high?