Fig. 5.
Overexpression of Dkk2/Frzb, but not Dkk3, reduces DP marker gene expression. (A–L) DP marker gene expression showing reduced Desmin/Laminin/SMA, but not Tenascin in LV-Dkk2 and LV-Frzb transduced feathers. An empty pLVX virus was used as control. Samples were collected at day 4 post-infection. For a comparison of staining intensity, equal exposure time was used when taken pictures. (M–O) Masson staining showing altered DP characteristics in Dkk2/Frzb overexpressed follicles. (P) Summary of the events after Dkk2/Frzb overexpression. Dashed lines indicate the epithelial–mesenchymal borders. The dp and collar (cl) are labeled; *indicates the disrupted structures. Bar = 1 mm (shown in O).