Figure 5. Comparison of CRISPR loci in Enterococcus faecalis genomes.
(A) The CRISPR-Cas loci in infants #3, #5 (early strain), and #8 and (B) the CRISPR locus lacking adjacent Cas proteins. The first defective repeats are shown in blue, other repeats are in green. The CRISPR loci are expanded below. In A, two versus three spacers have been added to the young end of the loci (left side, adjacent to Cas) in infants #3, #5 versus #8, respectively. In B, scaffolds encoding the loci are shown as horizontal gray bars (polymorphisms in the multi-sequence alignment are small vertical tic marks). The same color indicates shared sequences. Blue boxes to the left indicate that the genome encodes Cas proteins. Both loci (A and B) are identical in infants #3 and #5.