Figure 3. Posterior Hox genes can regulate cell ingression in a collinear fashion.
(A) Consecutive electroporation protocol. The ratio of the green domain (green bar, Hox expressing) over the red domain (red bar, control vector) measures the ingression delay. (B) Embryos consecutively electroporated first with Cherry and then with Venus together with control, Hoxa9, Hoxc11, or Hoxb13 vectors. Arrowheads: anterior boundary of Cherry (red) and Venus (green) domains. (C) Ratio of Venus over Cherry domains for posterior Hox genes. Dots: electroporated embryos. Bar indicates the mean. Stars: p-value of two-tailed Student's t-test applied between the different conditions. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.005. Error bars: standard error to the mean (SEM).