Fig. 4. IL-10, but not IL-4 or IL-17, regulates tumors in equilibrium.
Groups of 18–20 male C57BL/6 WT mice were inoculated subcutaneously with 10 μg MCA. At day 161–163 the tumor-free mice were injected weekly for 6 weeks (until day 196–198) with (A, B) cIg, (C, D) anti-IL-4, (E, F) anti-IL-17RA, or (G, H) anti-IL-10R (300 μg i.p.). Mice then received cIg (A, C, E, G) (250 μg i.p.) or anti-IFN-γ weekly (B, D, F, H)(250 μg i.p.) for 6 weeks from day 212–217 to day 247–252. Mice were monitored for the appearance of late-forming sarcomas until day 400 after MCA inoculation. The proportion of tumors arising prior and post each mAb treatment are indicated. Tumor size (cm2) for each individual mouse is plotted.