Figure 6.
A) Among patients with moderate-to-severe apraxia, difference between the number of patients with larger (n = 9; red/orange) or smaller (n = 6; blue/green) effects of use/grasp conflict on pantomime. Overlap maps thresholded at 56% (e.g., at each voxel, at least a 56% difference between the number of apraxic patients with larger versus smaller conflict effects). This threshold is equivalent to a chi-squared test between groups significant at the .05 level. B) Probabilistic location of the superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF) from the JHU white matter atlas (black/blue) overlaid onto VLSM results for use/grasp conflict (residualized hand action scores for conflict tools; FDR q = .05). Probabilistic SLF map thresholded at 25%.