Control and ethanol-treated (0.2 or 0.4 mmol/mL) podocytes were stained using
annexin V-FITC (x axis) and propidium iodide (y axis) at 6 and 24 hr and
analyzed using flow cytometry. Data are presented as four quadrant distribution
dot plots - Upper Left (UL), Upper Right (UR), Lower Left (LL) and Lower Right
(LR). Combined data for late apoptosis and necrosis are presented (Late
Apoptosis+Necrosis). Bar graphs summarize these observations at 6 and 24
hr that suggest increase in the number of apoptotic cells by 0.2 mmol/mL
Normal cells (LL): At 6 hr, normal cells were comparable
in all groups (70–80% of total cell count). At 24 hr,
Ethanol-treated groups showed 20% decrease compared to the control.
Early Apoptosis (LR): Early apoptotic cells count was
79% (6h) and 16% (24h) higher than the time matched control in
the 0.2 mmol/mL ethanol group. Cells showing early apoptosis in the
ethanol-treated group (0.4 mmol/mL) were 13% (6h) higher and 25%
(24h) lower than the control.
Late Apoptosis+Necrosis (UL+UR): Ethanol
0.2 mmol/mL caused a decline in the number of these cells at 6 hr but a
29% increase over control by 24 hr. The 0.4 mmol/mL ethanol-treated
group showed 23% (24h) higher number of cells with late
apoptosis+necrosis compared to the control group. Values represent
average of two separate experiments.