Fig. 2.
BK channel open probabilities and calcium set points. A: representative inside-out patch recordings of BK channel from LTH adult and fetal smooth muscle cells in symmetrical 140 mM KCl. In both cases, command potentials were −30 mV making BK channels experience +30 mV depolarizations. The bath [Ca2+] was 1.0 μM. Dotted lines represent the channels in closed (C) and open (O) states. B: voltage activation curves at different membrane potentials in 10-mV increments for various [Ca2+]i. Data are channel open probability (Po) expressed relative to maximum channel open probability (Pomax). Solid lines indicate best-fit curves to the Boltzmann equation: Po/Pomax = 1{1 + exp[(V1/2 − Vm)/K]}, where V1/2 is the membrane potential (Vm) required for half-maximal activation of the channel and K is the logarithmic voltage sensitivity (change in voltage required for an e-fold increase in activity). The voltage sensitivities estimated from the fitted curves were similar for all concentrations of Ca2+ tested and indicated that channel activity increased e-fold (∼2.72 times) for 23.5 ± 1.8 mV (n = 4, adult) and 25.0 ± 2.1 mV (n = 4, fetus) depolarizations. C: estimation of changes in V1/2 for a 10-fold change in [Ca2+]i (ΔV1/2) and estimation of the Ca2+ axis intercept (calcium set point, Ca0) for both adult and fetal BK channels. V1/2 values were obtained from B. The lines represent the best linear regression fits. LTH adult and fetal Ca0 values were calculated to be 3.6 μM and 3.0 μM, respectively. NX, normoxic.