Fig. 4.
BK channel dwell time analysis. A: representative inside-out patch recordings of BK channels from hypoxic (LTH) adult and fetal, and normoxic adult and fetal myocytes in symmetrical 140 mM KCl solutions with 3 μM free Ca2+. Recordings were done at +60 mV depolarizing potential. C, closed state; O, open state. B and C: plots of open and closed dwell times. Channel open and closed dwell times were plotted on a logarithmic time abscissa as a function of the square root (Sqrt) of the number of events per bin on the ordinate axis. The bin density is 50 bins per decade. Both the open (B) and closed (C) plots were best fitted to exponential functions with 3 components using QuB software (see methods). The lines for the sum and each component exponential fit are shown. The time constants (τ) and their relative weight contributions (in parentheses) of each component to the composite fit are listed.