Effects of H2S on lung liquid clearance in situ. A–C: representative experiments. Following control periods, either Na2S (5 × 10−5; A), terbutaline (10−4 M; B) or a combination thereof (C) was added. Na2S was applied six times to compensate for loss of H2S from buffer solutions. Numbers below the regression lines indicate the corresponding JV fluxes (ml·min−1·g−1). D: mean values of JV, which indicate that Na2S significantly decreased, whereas terbutaline significantly increased liquid absorption. In the presence of Na2S, terbutaline failed to do so. The “no drug” bars originate from experiments, which evaluated liquid clearance without any drug administration (trace not shown). n = numbers in parentheses. Data were analyzed with Student's paired t-test. *P < 0.05. ns, not significant.