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. 2015 Jan-Feb;31(1):164–168. doi: 10.12669/pjms.311.6477


Response to questions about fluoride, and dental caries

Question Number %
Have you heard of fluoride?
1. Yes 59 98.3
2. No 1 1.7
What is the main benefit of fluoride? (Choose one only)
1. It whitens the teeth 15 25.0
2. Protect teeth from dental caries 43 71.7
3. Provide protection from gum diseases 1 1.7
4. I don’t know 1 1.7
What are the various sources of fluoride? (Choose as many as you like)
1. Drinking water 12 20.0
2. Tooth paste 56 93.3
3. Direct application by dentist 31 51.7
4. I don’t know 2 3.3
Which of the following food group mainly causes tooth decay? (Choose one only)
1. Too much meats 1 1.7
2. Sugary Foods 59 98.3
3. Too much oily food 0 0
4. Fresh fruits and vegetables 0 0
Which of the following drinks can have harmful effects on the teeth?
1. Soft drinks such as Coke or Pepsi 59 98.3
2. Flavored fizzy drinks 36 60.0
3. Sweetened/flavored milks 26 43.3
4. Bottled/Canned juices 18 30.0
5. Fresh milk 4 6.7
6. Fresh juices 2 3.3
What should you do when you feel a cavity starting in your tooth?
1. Wait till it is large enough to be filled 3 5.0
2. Wait till there is some pain in that tooth 8 13.3
3. Visit you medical practitioner 5 8.3
4. Visit a dentist immediately 44 73.3