Figure 1. Glutamine decreases the phosphorylation of mTORC1 downstream targets in starved and non-starved brain endothelial bEnd.3 cells.
A and B) bEnd.3 cells exposed to starvation conditions for 2 hr were treated with vehicle (0 mM) or 5 mM glutamine, and lysates collected 30 min later. Glutamine administration significantly decreased the phosphorylation, but not the total levels of the mTORC1 targets A) S6K and B) S6. C and D) bEnd.3 cells under normal culture conditions were treated with vehicle (0 mM), 5 mM or 40 mM glutamine, and lysates collected 30 min later. 40 mM, but not 5 mM, glutamine treatment significantly decreased C) S6K and D) S6 phosphorylation. The total levels of these proteins did not significantly change. Data are presented as mean ± s.e.m after correction against the β-actin loading control, *p<0.05.