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. 2015 Mar;7(3):252–263. doi: 10.3978/j.issn.2072-1439.2015.01.27

Table 1. Characteristics of eligible studies.

Study Year Country Design Study population (mean HTX time) Method of patient enrollment Mean age (yrs) Sample size (male) Mean interval of CMR and EMB Histological criteria Blind
Wisenberg et al. (20) 1987 Canada P HTX patients for routine check (>25 days) 38 25 [2] Same day N
Marie et al. (21) 1998 French P HTX patients for routine check or suspected with ACAR (32 months) 51 43 Within 7 days Billingham et al. (27)
Marie et al. (22) 2001 French R HTX patients for routine check or suspected with ACAR (8 months) 50 68 [57] 1 day Billingham et al. (27)
Taylor et al. (23) 2010 Australia P HTX patients with no ACAR (802 days) 50 50 [42] 3.3 days Stewart et al. (28) Double blind
HTX patients with ACAR (420 days) 43
HTX patients suspected with ACAR (2725 days) 45
Usman et al. (24) 2012 USA P HTX patients for routine check or suspected with ACAR (within 1 year) 55 53 [32] 1.6 days Gradek et al. (29), Tan et al. (30) Double blind
Healthy control
Miller et al. (25) 2014 UK P HTX patients for routine check (6.9, 10.9, 16.6 and 22.3 weeks) Consecutive 49 22 [17] Same day Stewart et al. (28) Double blind
Healthy control
Krieghoff et al. (26) 2014 Germany P HTX patients for routine check or suspected with ACAR (77 months) Consecutive 52 73 Same day Stewart et al. (28) Double blind

CMR, cardiac magnetic resonance; EMB, endomyocardial biopsy; HTX, heart transplantation; ACAR, acute cardiac allograft rejection; P, prospective; R, retrospective; –, not mentioned; N, no reference.