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. 2015 Apr 7;2:10. doi: 10.3389/fsurg.2015.00010

Table 1.

Clinical experience of LVAD combined with cell therapy.

Study type (Reference) n Etiology CMP Cell type (and timing) Clinical outcome Measured effect
Phase I (111) 20 Ischemic and non-ischemic Allogeneic MPCs (concomitant) Increased weaning frequency and duration Safe/efficacy
Case report (105) 1 Dilated Autologous skeletal myoblasts (+16 months) LVAD explantation LVEF increased
Phase I (110) 4 Ischemic Autologous skeletal myoblasts (concomitant) 1 LVAD explantation, 3 non-cardiac deaths n = 2 LVEF increased
Case series (108) 2 Ischemic Autologous BMMNCs (concomitant) 1 Improved perfusion, 1 unknown Perfusion improved
Case report (107) 1 Ischemic Autologous skeletal myoblasts (+3 months) Death + 466 days (sepsis) Increased EF
Case series (109) 10 Ischemic Autologous BMMNCs (concomitant) 1 LVAD explantation, 3 HTx, 2 deaths n = 1 increased EF
Case report (106) 1 Ischemic Autologous BMMNCs (+99 days) LVAD explantation Increased EF and perfusion
Phase I (40) 6 Ischemic Autologous skeletal myoblasts (concomitant) 4 HTx, 3 deaths Safe/feasible
Phase I (39) 5 Ischemic Autologous skeletal myoblasts (concomitant) 3 HTx, 1 DT, 1 death Safe/feasible

CMP, cardiomyopathy; MPCs, mesenchymal progenitor cells; BMMNCs, bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells; HTx, heart transplantation; DT, destination therapy.

Systematic search LVAD/SCT: search detail: “heart-assist devices” [MeSH Terms] OR (“heart-assist devices” [MeSH Terms] OR (“heart-assist” [All Fields] AND “devices” [All Fields]) OR “heart-assist devices” [All Fields] OR (“heart” [All Fields] AND “assist” [All Fields] AND “device”[All Fields]) OR “heart-assist device” [All Fields]) AND (“cell- and tissue-based therapy” [MeSH Terms] OR (“cell-” [All Fields] AND “tissue-based” [All Fields] AND “therapy” [All Fields]) OR “cell- and tissue-based therapy” [All Fields] OR (“cell” [All Fields] AND “therapy” [All Fields]) OR “cell therapy” [All Fields]).

In total: 195 hits, excluding review/animal/Japanese/no combination → 9 included articles.