FAK−/− neutrophils show decreased complement-mediated phagocytosis. FITC-labeled E. coli bioparticles were opsonized with mouse serum (A and B), IgG (20 μg/ml; C), or C3 complement (D). Bone marrow-derived wild-type (WT) and FAK−/− neutrophils were incubated with opsonized E. coli for 30 and 120 min (approximate E. coli-neutrophil ratio, 46:1). Phagocytosis of E. coli particles was determined under the inverted fluorescence microscope. The phagocytosis index was expressed as the number of bioparticles engulfed by 100 neutrophils (A, C, and D). Binding index was expressed as the number of bioparticles bound to 100 neutrophils (B). More than 200 neutrophils were counted in each group. Results are means ± SD from at least three independent experiments. *, p < 0.05, **, p < 0.01 vs wild-type neutrophils by Student’s t test. ■, Wild type; □, FAK−/−.