Figure 6.
Intra-SC for clip1 (test–retest) based on the BOLD response in each of the 17 functional networks. a, No significant difference between the NT (blue) and complete ASD (red) groups. Error bars are 95% confidence interval based on a bootstrap estimate of the mean of five subjects. b,The distinct ASD subjects (average in pink) have low intra-SC. However, after their exclusion from the ASD group, we do not find any significant differences between the ASD and NT groups. Error bars are 95% confidence interval based on a bootstrap estimate of the mean of five subjects. In pink, statistics and effect sizes (Cohen's d) reflect the difference between the identified ASD subjects and the remaining subjects (NT+ASD). Statistics are FDR-controlled (*q < 0.05, +q < 0.1). For both plots, shaded areas around zero represent the 95% confidence interval for the distribution of group intra-SCs that would arise by chance, for each group. See Figure 1b for the networks.