1 | Metasoma with a syntergite (sometimes with second tergite separate as a small anterior ring, but no posterior tergites visible normally) (a). Two apical segments of female antennae immovably conjoined (b). Wing veins do not reach wing edge (a) | 2 |
– | Metasoma with posterior tergites visible (A). The two apical segments of antennae always movable (B). Wing veins reach wing edge | 3 |
2 | Second tergite separate as a small anterior ring (a). Scutellum laterally smooth; apical ridge small (b). Subcosta running near wing edge. Common | Dilyta |
– | Second tergite merged with syntergite (A). Scutellum with lateral ridges (B) and pronounced apical ridge (B). Subcosta running near middle of wing. Rare | Apocharips |
3 | With mesopleural line (a). Variable but usually more “figitid-looking”, darkly colored, with a long marginal cell (b) | Phaenoglyphis |
– | Without mesopleural line (A). Usually tiny, pale, with a short marginal cell (B) | Alloxysta |