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. 2014 Apr-Jun;29(2):221–228. doi: 10.5935/1678-9741.20140021

Table 2.

Number and proportion of patients in each group according to the presence of active smoking, ex-smokers and nonsmokers.

Groups ex-smokers active smoking nonsmokers Amount
Group I (physio) 9 (0.26) aA 11 (0.31) aA 15 (0.43) aA 35 (1.00)
Group Il (no physio) 14 (0.40) aA 6 (.17) aA 15 (0.43) aA 35 (1.00)
Amount 23 (0.33) 17 (0.24) 30 (0.43) 70 (1.00)

Two proportions followed by the same lowercase letter do not differ in groups (rows). Two proportions followed by the same capital letter do not differ in the types of smoking (P>0.05). Goldman test to compare proportions between and within populations multinomina.