Figure 2.
(a) Experiment 2. Action trials were identical to those in Experiment 1. In the No Action trials a random jitter was added to the externally controlled increases or decreases in bar height. Simultaneously to monitoring the tone sequence, participants had to indicate if the jittering bar had been on average more time above or below the trackers throughout the trial. (b) Experiment 2—Performance in the No Action-jitter detection task. Proportion of responses ‘bar was more time above the trackers' as a function of trials where the mean bar position was below, centred or above the tracker position. (c) Experiment 2—PSI (points of subjective isochrony) for Increase/Decrease trials of the Action and No Action-jitter task condition. (d) Experiment 3. Participants performed trials involving Large or Small changes in grip force and bar height (Δ G/B). In the Large Δ G/B trials, participants had to match the bar height to the trackers, which moved upwards or downwards across the whole extent of the rectangular frame. In the Small Δ G/B trials, the tracker's motion was confined to a smaller region around the centre of the rectangular frame. (e) Experiment 3—PSI (points of subjective isochrony) for Increase/Decrease trials in the Large and Small Action conditions. (Online version in colour.)