Fig. 3.
Subcellular distribution of RNA-binding proteins in cytoplasmic and nuclear fractions sampled from the liver of thirteen-lined ground squirrels (I. tridecemlineatus) comparing euthermic control (EC) and late torpor (LT) conditions. a Histogram showing mean relative expression of TIARa/b, TIA-1 p15, TIA-1a/b, and PABP-1 (± SEM, n = 4 independent protein isolations from different animals). b Representative Western blots are shown of the cytoplasmic and nuclear distribution of TIAR with the subcellular fraction and experimental conditions labeled at the top of the gel and the TIAR isoform labeled to the left of the gel. c Representative Western blots are shown with the experimental conditions labeled to the left of the gel and the protein target labeled at the top of the gel. Data were analyzed using the Student’s t test; a denotes values are significantly different from EC, p < 0.05