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. 2015 Apr 1;15:41. doi: 10.1186/s12876-015-0268-4

Table 3.

List of individual symptoms, causative allergens, serum IgE and identified allergy types in each patient of the study group with gastrointestinally mediated allergy (GMA)

Pat. no. Main symptoms & allergen(ssensitivity) Atopy status & serum-IgE Type of allergy
1 Diarrhoea, flush, pruritus - 76 Type I (systemic IgE)
Soy flour, egg
2 Abdominal pain, loose stools + 210 Type I (systemic IgE)
Wheat, nuts
3 Vomiting, diarrhoea + 112 Type I (systemic IgE)
Egg, wheat, soy
4 Abdominal pain, urticaria - 21 Type I (local IgE)
Fish (salmon)
5 Diarrhoea, abdominal pain + 65 Type I (systemic IgE)
Dyspepsia, vomiting
Hazelnut, tree pollens
6 Diarrhoea - 89 Type I (systemic IgE)
Wheat, maize, barley
7 Vomiting, loose stools + 112 Type I (systemic IgE)
Right lower quadrant pain
Rice, peach
8 Profuse watery diarrhoea - 398 Type I (systemic IgE)
Milk, soy, fish
9 Diarrhoea, bloating, tachy- + 34 Type III (immune com-
Cardia Plexes present) or
Pork, beef, soy Type IV (?)
10 Pruritus, Rhinitis, tachycardia - 54 Type I (systemic IgE)
Bloating, diarrhoea
Nuts, milk
11 Colitis, diarrhoea, arthralgia - 66 Type I (systemic IgE)
Oral allergy syndrome, rhinitis
Celery, carrot, tree & grass pollen
12 Bloody diarrhoea, hypotension, - 6 Type I (local IgE)
And/or abdominal pain, bloating Type III (IMMUNE
rice, soy Complexes)
13 Fever, diarrhoea, hypotension + 722 Type I (systemic IgE)
14 Diarrhoea, vomiting, abdominal - 6 Type IV (cellular hyper-
Pain Sensitivity
cereals (rye, wheat)
15 Bloating, diarrhoea, eosinophilia + 130 Type I (systemic Ige)
Milk, egg
16 Atopic eczema, diarrhoea, colitis + 76 Type I (local IgE)
Abdominal pain Type IV (cellular hyper-
Nuts, tree pollen Sensitivity ?)
17 Rhinitis, vomiting, diarrhoea + 111 Type I (local IgE)
Nuts, egg
18 Diarrhoea, bloating + 28 Type I (local IgE)
Wheat, milk
19 Eosinophilia, bloating, diarrhoea + 289 Type I (systemic IgE)
20 Gastrointestinal bleeding, colitis + 80 Type I (systemic IgE)
Wheat, hazelnut
21 Chronic diarrhea, bloating, pain - 12 Type IV
Pork, beef
22 Weight loss, diarrhea, pain - 43 Type III (immune
soy Complexes)
23 Loose stools, abdominal pain + 78 Type I (local IgE)
Rice, egg
24 Diarrhea, anaphylaxis + 312 Type I (systemic IgE)
Milk, egg
25 Weight loss, malabsorption - 34 Type I (local IgE)
Milk, pork, wheat
26 Tachycardia, abdominal pain - 7 Type I (local IgE)
27 Colitis, abdominal pain, pruritus + 92 Type I (local IgE)
nuts, apple, tree pollen
28 Chronic diarrhea - 8 Type IV
29 Gastroesophageal reflux + 28 Type I (local IgE)
Eosinophilia, intermittent diarrhea
milk, beef, tree pollen
30 Anaphylaxis, urticaria + 467 Type I (systemic IgE)
Abdominal colics
Egg, milk
31 Diarrhoea, bloating + 28 Type I (local IgE)
Wheat, milk
32 Microscopic colitis, flush - 32 Type IV
Maize, rye
33 Chronic diarrhea, bloating + 77 Type I (local IgE)
Abdominal pain, rhinitis
Milk, house dust mite, grass pollen
34 Epigastric and abdominal pain + 420 Type I (systemic Ige)
Tachycardia, rhinitis, asthma bronchiale
Nuts, wheat, rye, oat
35 Microscopic enteritis and colitis - 22 Type I (local IgE)
Malabsorption, pruritus
Egg, wheat, pork
36 Eosinophilic enteritis, ascites - 71 Type I (local IgE)
Abdominal pain, loose stools
Maize, rice, fruits
37 Allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, + 412 Type I (systemic IgE)
Epigastric pain, pruritus
Pollen, spice, celery
38 Chronic diarrhea, nausea + 123 Type I (systemic IgE)
Soy, pork, rye, pollen and type III (immune complexes)
39 Eosinophilic esophagitis + 24 Type I (local IgE) and
Atopic dermatitis Type IV
Egg, milk, pollen
40 Vomiting, flatulence, - 8 Type IV
Wheat, rye, soy bean, milk
41 Gastric & duodenal ulcer - 91 Type I (local IgE)
Gastrointestinal bleeding
Soy flour, nuts, celery
42 Weight loss, malabsorption + 217 Type I (systemic IgE)
Allergic rhinoconjunctivitis
Apple, nuts, latex
43 Intermittent diarrhea - 370 Type I (systemic IgE)
44 Tachycardia, restlessness - 28 Type I (systemic IgE)
Loose stools
Wheat, pollen
45 Oral allergy syndrome, + 198 Type I (systemic IgE)
Epigastric pain
Nuts, fruits, pollen
46 Watery diarrhea - 36 Type I (local IgE)
Egg, milk
47 Chronic diarrhea, flatulence - 30 Type IV
soy bean, beef, chicken
48 Urticaria, oral allergy syndrome + 42 Type I (local IgE)
Nuts, pollen
49 Atopic eczema, proctitis + 732 Type I (systemic IgE)
Spice, pollen, hazelnut
50 Gastrointestinal bleeding + 74 Type I (local IgE) and
From enterocolitis Type IV
51 Dysphagia, epigastric pain - 141 Type I (local IgE)
Oral allergy syndrome
Fruits, hazelnut, celery
52 Chronic diarrhea, abdominal - 65 Type I (local IgE)
pain and edema
pork, maize, moulds
53 Lymphocytic colitis + 122 Type I (systemic IgE)
Pruritus, hypotonia and type IV
Banana, fruits
54 Nausea, vomiting, flatulence + 780 Type I (systemic IgE)
55 Oral allergy syndrome, chronic - 96 Type I (local IgE)
Wheat, rye
56 Pruritus, weight loss, - 41 Type IV
Wheat, rye, soy flour

Atopy status was defined as positive, when history or clinical manifestation of the patient gave evidence for seborrheic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis or eczema, asthma bronchiale and/or allergic rhino - conjunctivitis.

For definition of the allergy type, the most dominant immunological signs were chosen to classify the ongoing allergic mechanisms in this population of patients with manifest gastrointestinally mediated allergy. However, some patients displayed symptoms that suggested more than one definitive type of allergy (see for example patient No. 9, 12, 16 etc.): Type I allergy (systemic IgE) was recognised when positive skin and/or antigen specific IgE levels were present in serum, type I allergy (local IgE) was diagnosed when intestinal lavage fluid contained elevated food antigen-specific levels of IgE (>0.35 U/mg protein) [11,23].

Type III allergy was found in 4 patients (no. 9, 12, 22, 38) who showed formation of either IgA, IgM and/or IgE immune complexes during or after allergen application by blinded food challenge, while pre-challenge serum immune complexes were normal during potato-rice diet.

Type IV allergy was diagnosed or suspected in 8 patients who showed markedly increased production of serum TNF levels during or after food challenge, while pre-challenge TNF levels were normal during potato-rice diet. Additionally, in one patient (no. 14) type IV allergy was considered because of a positive antigen-specific lymphocyte proliferation test.