A—Density distribution of retinal ganglion cells. The plot is adjusted in size and rotation to fit the landmark measurements in Fig 7B. P- pecten, F-fovea, Black arrow- area of higher density extending from the fovea into the direction of the beak. Scale bar: number of retinal ganglion cells/ mm2. B- Schematic representation of the positioning of the regions of higher ganglion densities with respect to visual field. P-pecten, F-fovea, B-beak indicated a red filled circle, yellow oval and ‘?’- area of higher density extending from the fovea into the direction of the beak. C- Horizontal section of the eyeball. Arrow depicts the axial length measured from the cornea to the retina. Scale bar = 1 mm. D-F—Sections at different locations along a section of retina (as indicated in Fig 7C), GCL-ganglion cell layer, INL-inner nuclear layer, ONL-outer nuclear layer, RPE-retinal pigmental epithelium, PR-photoreceptors. D-Fovea, E- medial between fovea and ora serrata, F- near the rim of the retina. Scale bar for D-F = 50 μm.