Tell me about your pain? (Probes: Where do you have pain? When you have pain, what do you do to try to deal with it? How do you cope with your pain? How does pain affect your life? When was the last time you can remember being without pain? Does pain affect the people around you? Does your pain affect your relationships with people around you? Do you have pain all the time or does it come and go? What do you think causes your pain? What makes it better? What makes it worse? How does the pain feel? For example, sharp, dull, stabbing, burning, crushing?)
What things do you do to help treat your pain? (Probes: So, when you have pain, what do you do to try to make it go away? Are there any other therapies you use for your pain? Do you take any prescription medications for your pain? If so what are they? What are your reasons for taking pain medications? What are your reasons for not taking pain medications? Do you take any over the counter medications for your pain? If so, what are they? Like physical therapy, massage therapy, exercise, etc?)