Fig. 4.
In vivo perinatal nicotine exposure results in increased PPARγ promoter methylation in nicotine exposed rat lung: (A) Using methylation specific-PCR, nicotine-mediated increase in methylation of the rat island-3 region is shown; the bands were quantified with NIH Image J software and percent methylation was calculated as = Me / (Me + Un); (B) Similar to our findings under in vitro conditions (Fig. 2), perinatal nicotine exposure resulted in increased DNMT1 and MeCP2, but decreased PPARγ protein levels on Western analysis of the whole lung lysates obtained from the lungs of postnatal day 21 rats. The data for each condition were generated from at least 6 animals, each from a separate litter. The protein bands, quantified and normalized to GAPDH band intensities, are shown. *p < 0.05 vs. control.