Fig. 4. Feedback regulation of brassinosteroid biosynthesis and signaling by SPCH.
(A) ChIP-Seq profiles of select brassinosteroid (BR) pathway genes (labeled as in Fig. 2F). (B) RT-qPCR analysis of BR genes in 4-dpg SPCHpro:SPCH2-4A-YFP and Col seedlings. Values are means+/−SEM. (C & D) Confocal images of 3-dpg adaxial cotyledons with propidium iodide-stained cell outlines (purple). Stomatal lineage-specific expression of hyperactive BIN2 (yellow) induces lineage proliferation (bracket) (C). Stomatal lineage expression pattern of BIM2pro:YFP-YFP (yellow) (D). (E) Alteration of stomatal density in gain-of-function BES1pro:bes1-D and bes1-RNAi knockdown. *: p<0.05, ***: p<0.001 (Wilcoxon ranksum test). (F) Model of SPCH-BR pathway interactions. SPCH, a target of BR signaling, feeds back (positively, red arrows or negatively, red T-bars) upon transcription of multiple pathway members.