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. 2015 Apr 8;5(4):e007848. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-007848

Table 1.

Description of studies included in the systematic review

Study Condition Country Number*
Number of women (%) Mean age (years) Caucasian (%) Clinical setting Method Relevant medication Funding from pharmaceutical company Outcomes
Morss et al39 Schizophrenia USA 33 2 (6) 43 75 Inpatient and outpatient VAS, PC, SG Antipsychotics Yes Side effects
Revicki et al48 Schizophrenia UK, USA 49 12 (24.5) 39 94 Outpatient Rating scale, PC Psychopharmacological treatment Yes Symptoms, process related, functioning
Lenert et al46 Schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder USA 22 Not reported 46 Not reported Outpatient VAS, PC, SG Antipsychotics No Side effects
Lee et al44 Schizophrenia USA 20 12 (55) Range: 18–60 40 Mental health centre VAS, SG Antipsychotics Yes Symptoms, side effects
Lenert and Kaplan28 Schizophrenia USA 148 49 (33) 98%≤60 Not reported† Centres and practice organisations VAS, SG Antipsychotics Yes Symptoms, side effects
Shumway45 Schizophrenia USA 50 17 (34.5) 42 69 Outpatient Rating scales, CA Antipsychotics No Symptoms, functioning, side effects, other
Briggs et al40 Schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder UK 50/49 27 (55) 44 94 Outpatient VAS, TTO Antipsychotics Yes Symptoms, side effects, other
Bridges et al36 Schizophrenia USA, Germany 105/97 50‡ 44 Not reported Outpatient Self-explicated method Prescribed treatments Yes Symptoms, functioning, process related, other
Kinter et al42 Schizophrenia USA, Germany, New Zealand 101/100 40 (40) 43/42 Not reported Outpatient CA Antipsychotics Yes Symptoms, functioning, side effects, other
O'Brien et al38 Mild or moderate depression Canada 95 69 (73) 41 Not reported Outpatient VAS, WTP Antidepressants Yes Side effects, costs
Revicki and Wood47 Major depressive disorder USA, Canada 70 54 (77) 42 Not reported Outpatient VAS§, SG Antidepressants Yes Symptoms, side effects
Morey et al41 Major depressive disorder USA 104 77 (74) 40 Not reported Outpatient WTP Antidepressants No Side effects, costs, process related
Zimmer-mann et al35 Depression Germany 255/227 140 (62) Not reported¶ Not reported Outpatient CA Antidepressants Yes Symptoms, functioning, side effects, process related
Revicki et al43 Bipolar disorder type I USA 96/92 51 (55.5) 42 92 Community hospital, research centre and health centre VAS, SG Mood stabilisers, antipsychotics Yes Symptoms, side effects, process related
Johnson et al34 Bipolar disorder USA 469 295 (63) 43 86 Members of a web-based chronic illness panel DCE** Bipolar medications Yes Symptoms, side effects
Glenngård et al37 ADHD Sweden, Denmark, Norway 116 66 (57) Not reported Not reported Centres DCE Stimulants Yes Functioning, side effects, process related, costs

*Patient participants only.

†31% African American or Hispanic.

‡Approximate percentage.

§VAS was used as a training exercise.

¶Largest age group 50–59 years.

**Choice-format trade-off questions.

CA, conjoint analysis; DCE, discrete choice experiment; PC, pairwise comparison; SG, standard gamble; TTO, time trade-off; VAS, visual analogue scale; WTP, willingness to pay.