Video 1. This file contains the iSCAT video from which the trajectory shown in Figure 1 of the main manuscript was obtained.
The left panel presents the raw video format after referencing with the flat field image. The flat field accounts for illumination inhomogeneities and was generated as described in the Materials and Methods section. The right panel shows the static background subtracted video format. The background includes the average of 100 frames before the particle binds and removes the constant features which are part of the sample (a.g. actin, glass roughness) by simple subtraction (Ortega Arroyo et al., 2014). The video was taken at 1000 frames/s and at a magnification of 31.8 nm/pixel. The corresponding field of view shown is 1.30 × 1.30 μm2 and corresponds to a total recording time of 1.3 s. The video playback speed is 1000 frames/s.