Fig 3. Expression of MET6 during M. oryzae development and rice infection.
Transcripts from M. oryzae MET6 were monitored by qRT-PCR. MET6 was expressed at high levels in mycelium grown on MM and in appressoria, and was down-regulated in mycelium grown on MM + Met and CM (2-fold) and during infection (2-fold). A strong down-regulation was observed in dormant spores (10-fold). RNA was extracted from wild type P1.2: mycelium grown on minimal medium (MM), minimal medium supplemented with 1 mM methionine (MM-Met), complete medium (CM), spores (Spore), 12-hours (young) and 24-hours (mature) old appressoria differentiated on Teflon (Ap-12h and Ap-24h) and infected leaves 3-, 6-, and 8-days after inoculation (dai) of the susceptible rice cultivar Sariceltik (spray inoculation). Primers are listed in Table 1B. Gene expression was normalized relative to the level of the constitutive gene ILV5 (MGG_15774.7). Each bar is the mean value of three replicates with standard deviations as vertical lines.