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. 2015 Feb 9;290(15):9521–9532. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M114.631499


Biochemical characterization of the purified CPS from selected mutant strains

Quantification of the CPS purified from bacterial pellets and from spent growth media from 1-liter cultures. The average molecular mass of CPS was estimated by HPLC-SEC. The mass range represents 95% of the area of the molecular size distribution. NA, not available.

Strain Fraction CPS Mass Mass range
mg kDa kDa
515 Bacteria 4.1 167 49–616
Medium 0.5 NA NA
ΔcpsA Bacteria 2.8 237 62–1075
Medium 6.7 >1,330 115 to >1,330
CpsC(Δext) Bacteria 3.3 55 23–136
CpsD(K49A) Bacteria 1.7 >1,330 1013 to >1,330
Medium 5.6 >1,330 >1,330