Control embryos (a and c, Etv2fl/+; Mesp1-Cre−; e, Etv2fl/fl; Mesp1-Cre−) and an Etv2fl/fl;Mesp1-Cre+ conditional mutant embryo (b, d, and f) at E8.5 were sectioned transversely at the heart level and immunostained for antibodies against Flk1 (a and b), Tie2 (c and d), and Pecam1 (e and f). The asterisk (f) indicates occasional vessel-like structures in the yolk sac that are Pecam1-positive. Note that the majority of endothelial lineages are missing in the Etv2fl/fl;Mesp1-Cre+ conditional mutants. cv, cardinal vein; da, dorsal aorta; ec, endocardium; ht, heart; mes, mesenchyme, ys, yolk sac; ysv, yolk sac vasculature. Scale bar = 50 μm.