Details of the cytosolic proteins captured by magnetic beads and identified by MALDI-TOF MS
The numbered spots were excised and identified by tryptic digest, MALDI-TOF MS, and matching of the peptide fingerprints with the SwissProt database. Columns marked 2D show the molecular mass (MM) and pI data estimated from the position of the spot in the two-dimensional gel. The molecular mass and pI predicted from the protein sequence data are shown in columns marked Pred. Coverage indicates the percentage of the identified protein covered by the matched peptide masses. Peptide match indicates the number of measured peptide masses that matched the identified protein. The Total ion score column indicates the probability that the observed match between the measured peptide and the database sequence is a random event. For a significant identification (p < 0.05), at least one peptide must have an individual ion score ≥44. The total ion score confidence interval (C.I.) is shown and percentages ≥95 are considered statistically significant protein identifications.