Figure 6. Borealin dimerization is essential for localization near the kinetochore.
HeLa M cells were transiently transfected with Borealin-FKBP fusions, synchronized as shown and exposed to the homo-dimerizing agent AP20187 (+AP) or DMSO (−). All samples include 5Itu to reveal the kinetochore pool. Immunofluorescence was carried out using antibodies to HA to detect the Borealin-FKBP fusions, as well as Hec1 to stain the kinetochore. Examples of maximum projection images are show in the top three rows (scale bar = 10μm). Close-up images and line scans of individual sister kinetochores/centromeres from a single plane are also shown (scale bar = 0.5μm).