Extended Data Figure 10. Shape analysis in 1,541 young healthy subjects shows consistent deformations of the putamen regardless of segmentation protocol.
a, b, The distance from a medial core to surfaces derived from FSL FIRST (a; identical to Fig. 2c) or FreeSurfer (b) segmentations was derived in the same 1,541 subjects. Each copy of the rs945270-C allele was significantly associated with an increased width in coloured areas (false discovery rate corrected at q = 0.05) and the degree of deformation is labelled by colour. The orientation is indicated by arrows. A, anterior; I, inferior; P, posterior; S, superior. Shape analysis in both software suites gives statistically significant associations in the same direction. Although the effects are more widespread in the FSL segmentations, FreeSurfer segmentations also show overlapping regions of effect, which appears strongest in anterior and superior sections.