Figure 1.
Representative examples of each of the eight cDNA splicing assays. Peak heights represent fluorescence intensity (scale on relative fluorescent units (RFU)). GeneScan 500-LIZ standard peaks are colored in orange. Peaks imputed to AS events are colored in blue. Capillary EP analysis permitted us to identify peaks imputed to transcripts carrying more than one independent splicing. For instance, assay 1–6 demonstrated that Δ1Aq (6 bp shorter than the FL) is combined with most of the splicing events visualized in this amplicon. Similarly, a peak of 322 bp in 7-11B assay demonstrated the presence of transcripts containing Δ8p and Δ9,10. As shown in 7-11B assay Δ9,10 is 123 bp shorter than the FL. In 7–12 assay a peak of 361 bp can be imputed to the combination of Δ9,10+ Δ11q since this peak is 123 bp shorter than Δ11q peak.